ViaThinkSoft CodeLib
Dieser Artikel befindet sich in der Kategorie:
CodeLib → Programmierhilfen → Python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pyaudio
import numpy as np
CHUNK = 2*4096 # number of data points to read at a time
RATE = 48000 # time resolution of the recording device (Hz)
DEVICE = 0 # default
p = pyaudio.PyAudio(),channels=1,rate=RATE,input=True, input_device_index=DEVICE,
while True:
indata = np.fromstring(,dtype=np.int16)
# Take the fft and square each value
# find the maximum
which = fftData[1:].argmax() + 1
# use quadratic interpolation around the max
if which != len(fftData)-1:
y0,y1,y2 = np.log(fftData[which-1:which+2:])
x1 = (y2 - y0) * .5 / (2 * y1 - y2 - y0)
# find the frequency and output it
thefreq = (which+x1)*RATE/CHUNK
print("The freq is %f Hz." % (thefreq))
thefreq = which*RATE/CHUNK
print("The freq is %f Hz." % (thefreq))
You need to run aptitude install python3-pyaudio before you can use this program.
This codelib article is based on this code that detects the frequency of a sound file
Daniel Marschall
ViaThinkSoft Mitbegründer
ViaThinkSoft Mitbegründer